We are licensed to serve the whole state of Illinois.
Running your home and sticking to your daily routines can become difficult. TE-SA can help you find someone to give you assistance and friendship in your daily life.
(708) 583-1902 office landline
(773) 837-4903 cellphone
You may need:
- Someone to cook and eat your meals with you
- Shopping and groceries
- Take care of your pets
- Run your errands
- Doctor visits
- Help to excercise
- Clean your home
- Help you travel
- Spend the day with you
Please fill out the request form below to get started.
Our candidates can be:
short term ~ long term
live in ~ come and go
part time ~ full time
day ~ night ~ weekends
Daily life can become more difficult for you, let us give you a stress free process and solution for your needs.
We understand and want the best for you and your loved ones.
To make sure our candidates are completely qualified for each position they first must pass our full screenings which include:
background checks, criminal records, employment history, references, licensed skills, or certifications, such as CNA, nursing, first aid, CPR, ect.